Automate Reconciliation,
Unlock 6% More Revenue

Waiting on
Payments? Provio Gets You Paid 30% Quicker.

Automate Reconciliation,
Unlock 6% More Revenue

For 🦷 & 👁️ practices

For 🦷 & 👁️ practices

For 🦷 & 👁️ practices

Reconciliation for Check, VCC, ACH and EOBs.
One automated platform.

Reconciliation for Check, VCC, ACH and EOBs.
One automated platform.

Reconciliation for Check, VCC, ACH and EOBs.
One automated platform.

Integrates with:

Integrates with:


Don't see your Practice Management Software? Lets chat!

Don't see your Practice Management Software?

Lets chat!

The problem

Patient care is hard.
Getting paid doesn't have to be.

Patient care is hard.
Getting paid doesn't have to be.

Patient care is hard.
Getting paid doesn't have to be.

Why can't I see where my money is going?

Why can't I see where my money is going?

Why my claims were denied claims?

Why my claims were denied claims?

How can I improve my cash flow without hiring more staff?

How can I improve my cash flow without hiring more staff?

Why is staying compliant such a nightmare?

Why is staying compliant such a nightmare?

How can I spend less time on payment admin?

How can I make patient billing less painful?

How can I make patient billing less painful?

How can I reduce my processing costs?

Why does it take so long to get paid?

Why does it take so long to get paid?

Why I keep getting lower reimbursements?

Why I keep getting lower reimbursements?

How can I negotiate better rates with payers?

Why there is a 3.5% transaction fee?

Why there is a 3.5% transaction fee?

Why can't I easily track my payment performance?

Why can't I see where my money is going?

Why my claims were denied claims?

How can I improve my cash flow without hiring more staff?

Why is staying compliant such a nightmare?

How can I spend less time on payment admin?

How can I make patient billing less painful?

How can I reduce my processing costs?

Why does it take so long to get paid?

Why I keep getting lower reimbursements?

How can I negotiate better rates with payers?

Why there is a 3.5% transaction fee?

Why can't I easily track my payment performance?

The solution

Our platform puts you in control
of your healthcare payments

Our platform puts you in control of your healthcare payments

See how Provio can get you paid more, faster, with less hassle

See how Provio can get you paid more, faster, with less hassle

See how Provio can get you paid more, faster, with less hassle

Automate Reconciliation with Provio

and Save 8 Hours a Week

Reconciliation with Provio

Save 8 Hours a Week!

Automate Reconciliation with Provio

and Save 8 Hours a Week

Waiting on Payments? Provio Gets You Paid 30% Quicker.

Automate Reconciliation with Provio and Unlock 6% More Revenue

Cut out paperwork delays and speed up your cash flow with ACH enrollments on Provio. More revenue for your practice and more time to care for patients.

Reclaim Your Time! Provio Automates Reconciliation, Saving 8+ Hours Weekly.

Reclaim Your Time! Provio Automates Reconciliation, Saving 8+ Hours Weekly.

Ditch the manual work and endless errors. Provio's platform reconciles payments across Checks, VCC and ACH and automatically updates your PMS, saving you money and time.

Principal Dentist

San Diego, CA

"we were swamped with paperwork trying to track payments and update my books … with Provio, we get things done way faster."


Toronto, ON

"Provio handles the payment mess our practice management system can't. It's saved us from having to hire more staff just to keep up."

VP, Dental Insurance

New York, NY

"Provio has simplified the transition to EFT payments, accelerating the process and eliminating postage.…. it also protect providers from costly VCC fees"


Get Started with Provio

Get Started with Provio

Your Provio Questions, Answered.

Your Provio Questions, Answered.

How do I join Provio's beta platform?

How do I join Provio's beta platform?

How do I join Provio's beta platform?

How does Provio protect my clinic's sensitive patient data?

How does Provio protect my clinic's sensitive patient data?

How does Provio protect my clinic's sensitive patient data?

Does Provio eliminate the need to manually review EOBs?

Does Provio eliminate the need to manually review EOBs?

Does Provio eliminate the need to manually review EOBs?

What if I encounter issues with a reconciliation?

What if I encounter issues with a reconciliation?

What if I encounter issues with a reconciliation?

I would like to contact Provio's team to get know more?

I would like to contact Provio's team to get know more?

I would like to contact Provio's team to get know more?

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Sign up for early access.

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Provio 2024